Environmental Evaluation

Environmental Evaluation

Floradata performs all manner of studies for Environmental Assessment of projects, plans and programmes, namely in Environmental Impact Evaluation processes and Strategic Environmental Evaluation. Due to its degrees of specialization, Floradata may also evaluate specific environmental descriptors, to be included in Environmental Evaluation Studies and Environmental Reports made by other companies or entities, particularly for the ecological component of these studies (fauna, flora, vegetation and habitats). Besides the biological component, we also evaluate the following components: geology and geomorphology, hydrogeology, hydrology, soil, land use, land use planning and landscape.

Services offered for Environmental Evaluation:

  • Environmental Impact Assessment;
  • Project’s Environmental Conformity Reports;
  • Environmental Descriptors;
  • Strategic Environmental Evaluation;
  • Critical Decision Factors Reports;
  • Environmental Reports;
  • Critical Factors Assessment;
  • Ecological Impact Studies.