Estêvão Portela-Pereira

Geographer /Botanist

  • BSc in Geography from the School of Agronomy – University of Lisbon
  • PhD in Geography from the School of Agronomy – University of Lisbon

Obtained a BSc in Geography (Teaching major) in 2005 and a PhD in Physical Geography, with a specialization in Geobotany in 2013. Since 2009 he participates in research projects with the Centre of Geographical Studies of the University of Lisbon, having also collaborated with the Centre for Botany Applied to Agriculture at the School of Agronomy of the University of Lisbon. After his PhD he has continued to collaborate in several environmental characterization and monitoring studies, such as the LIFE TAXUS project (coordinated by QUERCUS), Red List of Vascular Plants of Mainland Portugal (coordinated by SPB and PHYTOS) and Cartography of Natural and Seminatural Habitats and Flora in Sites of Community Importance under the Habitats Directive (Allotment 3, cartography validation, coordinated by IGOT). His scientific and technical interests include Geobotany, Phytosociology, Invasion Ecology, and particularly the study of native and exotic Portuguese flora and habitats.