Márcio Silva

Environmental Sciences / GIS

  • BSc inGeography from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto
  • MSc in GIS and Spatial Planning from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto

Geographer at Floradata since 2021, he mainly performs functions in cartographic production, territorial characterization and nature tourism.

Márcio has a comprehensive professional carreer marked by the experience of consulting in environmental impact studies for several enterprises, by participation in scientific research projects by FCT and by performing functions in the field of civil protection. He currently accumulates functions as a teacher of higher education in curricular units related to the study and evaluation of natural risks.

Meanwhile, due to his affection for geographical, inherited and ethnographic themes and to his recognition of the natural and human values which are instrinsic in territories and materialized in the landscapes, uses and customs that need to be safeguarded and shared, he is attending a Post-Graduation in Traditional and Popular Portuguese Cultural Heritage.